Saturday, September 6, 2008

LPGA Reverses Language Rule

It didn’t take long for the LPGA Tour to reverse course on its plans to suspend players who don’t learn to speak English. LPGA Tour commissioner Carolyn Bivens, who concocted the policy, will present a revised plan at the end of the year. The new plan will not include suspensions, she said, but may include fines for players who can’t speak English. "We have decided to rescind those penalty provisions," Bivens said in a statement. "After hearing the concerns, we believe there are other ways to achieve our shared objective of supporting and enhancing the business opportunities for every tour player." Bivens and the LPGA drew heavy and deserved criticism for the original plan which was viewed as discriminatory against foreign players, especially Asians. The LPGA Tour has more than 120 foreign players representing 26 countries. No major sport has a language requirement in its bylaws. Major league baseball helps foreign players learn English in the minors. She argued that international players who could communicate effectively in English would improve the pro-am experience, sponsor relations and could help land endorsements for the players. However, State Farm, a major sponsor, said it was perplexed by the original policy and the company asked Bivens to review its decision.

Hitting range balls while wondering whatever happened to Sherri Turner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fairway:
Not a flattering pic of the commiss. Sarah Palin/Lenscraft style glasses. Sarah is a hottie compared to the commiss. The commiss needs a makeover big time.